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Running AutoSD on qemu

The Automotive SIG publishes images built via OSBuild based on the OSBuild manifest present in the sample-images repository.

Here is a quick guide on how to get you started with them. These steps should work on either Linux or macOS on the x86_64 or AArch64 CPU architectures.

  1. Download your qemu image from
  2. Unpack it.

    unxz auto-osbuild-qemu-cs9-ps-regular-aarch64-602301589.3e284fb7.qcow2.xz
  3. Boot via runvm script from sample-images repo:

    ./runvm auto-osbuild-qemu-cs9-ps-regular-aarch64-602301589.3e284fb7.qcow2
    1. You might want to add the --nographics argument to get a login prompt in the same shell.
    2. If You run it on a different architecture you might need to specify the guest architecture like this: --arch aarch64.
    3. Login as root or guest using the password: password.
    4. Profit

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