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Building an AutoSD image

The automotive-image-builder tool is a Python script that extends the functionality of the OSBuild tool to simplify how to create and customize operating system (OS) images.

When you run the automotive-image-builder tool, it leverages OSBuild to build images based on YAML files called manifests. Manifests contain specifications for your OS image. Manifests specify build details, such as which repositories and RPM packages to include, which services to enable, and hostname and time zone configurations. Manifest files also describe stages that modify the file system of the image.

In this workflow, you have configured your own custom manifest file that you will use to build your own custom AutoSD image. For further reference, you can also review the sample manifests that you can use to build images in the Automotive SIG repository.

Building and running your customized OS image

This process is simplified with the help of the automotive-image-builder tool, which invokes the OSbuild to build the images \ using manifest files that you specify.



  1. Build the AutoSD image. In this example, specify your manifest file and the qcow2 image format in the build command:

    $ sudo automotive-image-builder build --export qcow2 <my-manifest>.mpp.yml <my-image>.qcow2

    The example command demonstrates how to build a QCOW2 image for a virtual environment using the most basic options. Additional options are available. You can also build images for specific hardware types and include parameter overrides directly in the build command through the CLI.


    If you build multiple images, run dnf clean all between builds to clear the build artifacts and reset the DNF cache.

  2. Run the image:

    $ sudo automotive-image-runner <my-image>.qcow2
  3. After the image boots, log in as root using the password password.

  4. Verify that your packaged software is present in your image:

    # rpm -q auto-apps dlt-daemon vsomeip3-routingmanager

Your image is now ready.

Next steps

Overriding variables from the command line

Use the --define variable to override variables in your manifest from the command line. The syntax for the --define variable is --define var=value.

A distro file normally defines these variables:

  • distro_name: The name of the distro; default is cs9.
  • version: The version of the distro.
  • distro_baseurl: The base URL of the distribution’s repo; can be overridden to use a local mirror.
  • distro_module_id: The is used for dnf modules; default platform:el9.
  • distro_repos: The set of default repos for the distro.
  • distro_devel_repos: The set of development repos for the distro.
  • distro_debug_repos: The set of debug-info repos for the distro.

Other variables you might want to override include:

  • extra_repos: A list of extra yum repos to install RPMs from; defaults to empty.
  • extra_rpms: List of additional RPMs installed in most images; defaults to empty.
  • kernel_rpm: The name of the kernel package used; defaults to kernel-automotive.
  • linux_firmware_rpm: The name of the linux-firmware package used; defaults to linux-firmware-automotive.

  • osname: The OS name (used in OSTree deployment); defaults to centos.

  • os_version: The OS version (used in OSTree deployment); defaults to $version
  • ostree_ref: The name used for the ref when you commit to an ostree repo.
  • ostree_remote_name: The name of the main OSTree remote; defaults to auto-sig.
  • ostree_repo_url: The URL of the main OSTree remote; defaults to

  • use_efi_runtime: If true, enable efi runtime services; defaults totrue.

  • kernel_opts: Base kernel options.
  • kernel_loglevel: Kernel log level; defaults to 4.

  • root_password: Password for root account; default password.

  • root_ssh_keys: List of SSH public keys for root account authentication; default empty.
  • guest_password: Password for guest account; default password.

  • ssh_permit_root_login: If true, enables SSH login for root account; defaults to false.

  • ssh_permit_password_auth: If true, enables password authentication with SSH; defaults to false.

  • display_server: The name of the display server (wayland or xorg); defaults to wayland.

  • image_size: The total size of the disk image in bytes as a string; defaults to 8 GB.

  • efipart_size: The size of the EFI partition.
  • bootpart_size: The size of the boot partition.
  • partition_label: Either gpt (default) for gpt partition layout, or dos for dos partition layout (for rpi4).
  • static_uuids: Set to true to use static default UUIDs for filesystems rather than generated. Default is true. If enabled, uses rootfs_uuid, bootfs_uuid, parttab_uuid, efipart_uuid, bootpart_uuid, rootpart_uuid, and luks_uuid for specific values.

  • use_luks: If true, encrypt the rootfs with LUKS; default false.

  • luks_passphrase: The passphrase used to encrypt the rootfs. Default password.
  • luks_auto_unlock: If true, automatically unlock the encrypted rootfs on boot with a key file. This is meant to be replaced later with a per-machine key. Default false.
  • luks_use_integrity: If true, combine dm-integrity with encryption. This variable is experimental due to low performance. Default false.

  • dracut_add_modules: Dracut modules to add.

  • dracut_omit_modules: Dracut modules to omit.
  • dracut_filesystem: Dracut filesystems to install (defaults to vfat and ext4).
  • dracut_add_drivers: Special drivers to install into dracut.
  • dracut_install: Special files to copy into dracut.


  1. Use --define to add some extra RPMs and to decrease image_size to 3 GB:

    $ sudo automotive-image-builder build --export qcow2 <my-manifest>.mpp.yml <my-image>.qcow2 \
    --define 'extra_rpms=["gdb","strace"]' --define 'image_size=3489660928'
  2. Verify that you successfully defined the image_size, which is virtual size in the command output:

    $ qemu-img info <my-image>.qcow2
    image: <my-image>.qcow2
    file format: qcow2
    virtual size: 3.25 GiB (3489660928 bytes)
    disk size: 251 MiB
    cluster_size: 65536
    Format specific information:
        compat: 1.1
        compression type: zlib
        lazy refcounts: false
        refcount bits: 16
        corrupt: false
        extended l2: false
    Child node '/file':
        filename: <my-image>.qcow2
        protocol type: file
        file length: 252 MiB (264110080 bytes)
        disk size: 251 MiB
  3. Run the image:

    $ sudo automotive-image-runner <my-image>.qcow2
  4. After the image boots, log in as root using the password password.

  5. Verify that the additional RPMs are present in your image:

    # rpm -q gdb strace

Additional resources

Flashing the image on an SD card

To install the OS on a hardware device, flash the image onto an SD card.



  • Flash the image onto an SD card:
$ dd if=<my-image>.qcow2 of=<SD card device path> status=progress bs=4M


You must change the value for of=<SD card device path> to match the block device path used in your system, for example /dev/sdb. If required, add -bios /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd to QEMU command.

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