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Building and flashing images on Texas Instruments (TI)

Follow this procedure to flash an AutoSD image onto a Texas Instruments (TI) board.


  • An AArch64 system with internet access
  • An SD card
  • A TI board or platform supported by AutoSD

Obtaining an image

Use the automotive-image-builder tool to build AutoSD images for these TI boards:

  • SK-AM62x Sitara (am62sk)
  • SK-AM69 Jacinto (am69sk`)
  • TDA4 EVM (tda4vm_sk)
  • J784S4 EVM (j784s4evm)

For these boards, you can download a prebuilt image if you don’t want to build your own:

  • SK-AM69 Jacinto (am69sk)
  • J784S4 EVM (j784s4evm)

Building the AutoSD image


  1. Clone the automotive-image-builder repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Build the TI image for your TI board:

    $ sudo ./automotive-image-builder --container build --target <model-name> \
    --mode package --export image <manifest> .

Replace <model name> with the string corresponding to your board, such as am62sk. Replace <manifest> with your custom OSBuild manifest file, in the .mpp.yml format. If you do not have your own manifest file, you can build an AutoSD image with the automotive-image-builder/example.mpp.yml manifest file.

  1. Continue with Flashing the image onto an SD card.

Downloading a prebuilt image


  1. Identify the model name of your TI board as used in the image name. See the nightly build directory. The model name is something like am69sk (for SK-AM69 Jacinto) or j784s4evm (for J784S4 EVM), as seen after auto-osbuild- in the nightly build directory.

  2. Store the value of the latest nightly image in a variable called AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME. This example is for the am69sk model. Replace that piece of the command if you are using a different board.

    $ export AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME="$(curl | grep -oE 'auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular-aarch64-[0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+\.raw\.xz' | head -n 1)"
  3. Download the image.

    $ wget -O auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular.raw.xz$AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME
  4. Uncompress the compressed .xz image file:

    $ xz -d auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular.raw.xz
  5. Continue with Flashing the image onto an SD card.

Flashing the image onto an SD card

  1. To flash the uncompressed image onto an SD card, replace </dev/sdX> with your block device.

    $ dd if=auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular.raw of=</dev/sdX> status=progress bs=4M
  2. Set the onboard DIP switches to SD boot mode SW11[1-8] = 1000 0010 SW7[1-8] = 0000 0000.

  3. Plug in the SD card, and then start the system.

Additional Resources

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