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Flashing a prebuilt AutoSD image on Texas Instruments (TI) SK-AM69 Jacinto

Follow this procedure to flash the prebuilt AutoSD image onto the SK-AM69 Jacinto board.


  • An AArch64 system with internet access
  • An SD card
  • A TI SK-AM69 board


  1. Identify the name of the latest nightly image and store the value in a variable called AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME.

    export AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME="$(curl | grep -oE 'auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular-aarch64-[0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+\.raw\.xz' | head -n 1)"
  2. Download the image.

    wget -O auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular.raw.xz$AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME
  3. Uncompress the compressed .xz image file:

    xz -d auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular.raw.xz
  4. To flash the uncompressed image onto an SD card, replace </dev/sdX> with your block device.

    dd if=auto-osbuild-am69sk-autosd9-qa-regular.raw of=</dev/sdX> status=progress bs=4M
  5. Set the onboard DIP switches to SD boot mode SW11[1-8] = 1000 0010 SW7[1-8] = 0000 0000.

  6. Plug in the SD card, and then start the system.

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