DIY Local
How hard is it to create your own, custom, Alternative Images?
Not very hard. You can do it with kiwi, in a container.
It is recommended that you first make sure you can create a standard image before you make a custom image. This way you will be sure that you have everything setup correctly.
Thus, if it fails, you will know that it was your change that caused it to fail.
Download AltImages git repo
cd /my/builddir ; git clone
Start in the branch you want
cd kiwi-descriptions ; git checkout c9s
All the Building steps should be run as root. Either directly or as sudo
Set into permissive mode
getenforce ; setenforce permissive ; getenforce
cd to git repo
cd /my/builddir/kiwi-descriptions
Pull, then run the container image. For our example we will use CentOS Stream 9.
podman pull
podman run --privileged --rm -it -v /dev:/dev -v $PWD:/code:z -w /code /bin/bash
Inside our image, install all the needed software, then run the kiwi command.
dnf -y install epel-release
dnf -y install kiwi policycoreutils
kiwi-ng --type=iso --profile="XFCE-Live" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
Other Examples:
kiwi-ng --type=tbz --profile="WSL-Base" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
kiwi-ng --type=oem --profile="XFCE-Disk" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
kiwi-ng --type=iso --profile="GNOME-Live" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
After the build¶
Get your image from the outdir directory
ls /my/builddir/kiwi-descriptions/outdir
Test the image however you want. Just remember to get it out of the outdir if you want to keep it.
If you stay logged into your container, you can build as many images based on that distribution that you want. You just need to remove the outdir before running the next one.
rm -rf ./outdir ; kiwi-ng --type=iso --profile="XFCE-Live" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
# Copy or move the image to your testing area.
rm -rf ./outdir ; kiwi-ng --type=iso --profile="MIN-Live" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
# Copy or move the image to your testing area.
rm -rf ./outdir ; kiwi-ng --type=iso --profile="KDE-Live" --color-output system build --description="." --target-dir ./outdir
# Copy or move the image to your testing area.