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Getting started

The Automotive SIG manages several artifacts:

  • Automotive Stream Distribution (AutoSD): This project is a binary distribution developed within the SIG that is a public, in-development preview of the upcoming Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System (OS).
  • RPM repositories: These are RPM repositories produced by the Automotive SIG to enhance AutoSD. New packages or features can be developed and hosted there to expand the capabilities of the AutoSD.
  • Sample images: These are images built with OSBuild using packages from the AutoSD, the Automotive SIG repositories, or other sources. They are examples of how to use AutoSD.


Similar to the upstream-downstream relationship between CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), AutoSD is an upstream repository for Red Hat In-Vehicle OS.

Automotive Stream Distribution vs CentOS Stream

AutoSD is a binary Linux distribution based on CentOS Stream, but with a some divergences. For example, AutoSD relies on the kernel-automotive package rather than the CentOS Stream kernel package.

The community, customers, and partners can explore AutoSD to see what will land in Red Hat In-Vehicle OS. Like CentOS Stream, AutoSD is open to contributions using similar mechanisms.

Installing QEMU

To run AutoSD virtual machines (VMs), you must install a QEMU machine emulator on your system. QEMU is supported on a variety of operating systems. If your operating system is not listed here, or for more information about QEMU, see Download QEMU.


The example commands in this procedure call x86_64 architecture components. If you prefer to use an AArch64 architecture, replace qemu-system-x86 with qemu-system-arm in the commands of these procedures.

Installing QEMU on AutoSD, CentOS Stream, Fedora Linux, or RHEL


A machine running AutoSD, CentOS Stream, Fedora, or RHEL


  • Install QEMU:
sudo dnf install qemu-system-x86

Installing QEMU on Ubuntu


  • A machine running Ubuntu


  • Install QEMU:
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86

Installing QEMU on MacOS


  • A machine running MacOS
  • Homebrew installed


  • Install QEMU:
brew install qemu

Installing QEMU on Windows


  • A machine running 64-bit Windows 8.1 or later
  • pacman package manager from MSYM2 installed


  • Install QEMU:
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-qemu

Using pre-built images

All pre-built AutoSD images can be found in the: nightly repo. The repo features both x86_64 and aarch64 architecture images.

To explore the sample images, see sample images.

Running a developer QEMU image

The developer image has extra storage compared to other images.


The example commands in this procedure call x86_64 architecture images. If you prefer to use AArch64 architecture images, replace x86_64 with aarch64 in the commands of this procedure.


  1. Use grep to retrieve the exact name of the developer image:
AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME="$(curl | grep -oE 'auto-osbuild-qemu-autosd9-developer-regular-x86_64-[0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+\.qcow2\.xz' | head -n 1)"


This step is necessary, because images are uploaded every day using unique build IDs, which causes the name of the image to change slightly on a daily basis.

  1. Download the developer QEMU image with wget:
$ wget \
-O auto-osbuild-qemu-autosd9-developer-regular-x86_64.qcow2.xz \$AUTOSD_IMAGE_NAME
  1. Decompress the developer image using xz:
xz -d auto-osbuild-qemu-autosd9-developer-regular-x86_64.qcow2.xz
  1. Run the image with the qemu-system CLI:
$ /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-drive file=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd,if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on \
-drive file=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd,if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,snapshot=on,readonly=off \
-smp 20 \
-enable-kvm \
-m 2G \
-machine q35 \
-cpu host \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n0 \
-netdev user,id=n0,net=,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
-drive file=auto-osbuild-qemu-autosd9-developer-regular-x86_64.qcow2,index=0,media=disk,format=qcow2,if=virtio,snapshot=off
  1. Log in using “root/password” as the default username/password.

Building your own developer QEMU images

Extend the base operating system beyond the capabilities of the pre-built images by building your own developer image. Use images from the sample-images repository as a starting point.

The images directory in sample-images contains OSBuild manifest files, indicated by the mpp.yml extension. The mpp.yml files contain instructions, or OSBuild stages, that create new OS images.

The naming convention for image files is: $distro-$target-$image_type-$os_itype.$arch.$file_type.

See this file name as an example:


  • distro: autosd
  • target: qemu
  • image_type: developer
  • os_type: regular
  • arch: x86_64
  • file_type: qcow2

The git repo directory also contains a Makefile script that streamlines the image building process.


  • A Fedora/CentOS/RHEL system
  • OSBuild osbuild tooling

For more information about tools for building images, see Building images.


  1. Clone the sample-images repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the checked out directory:
cd sample-images/
  1. Explore the different types of images that you can build:
make list-targets


The output of the make list-targets command is quite extensive. Use grep to narrow your search.

  1. Optional: Filter the command output:
make list-targets | grep developer
  1. Build an image using an existing manifest:
sudo make autosd-qemu-developer-regular.x86_64.qcow2


This command invokes osbuild, which must be run as the root user.

  1. After the build succeeds, run the generated qcow2 image:
./runvm autosd-qemu-developer-regular.x86_64.qcow2


Run ./runvm -h to check all available options for that command.

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