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Building and flashing images on NXP S32G

The process to build an AutoSD image and flash it onto a S32G board has several steps:

  1. Update the board firmware.
  2. Build the AutoSD image.
  3. Build the NXP BSP.
    1. Optional: Install the NXP BSP kernel into the AutoSD image.
    2. Install the boot loader into the AutoSD image.
  4. Flash the image onto an SD card and boot the system.

Updating your S32G firmware

Before flashing an AutoSD image onto the S32G board, you must install the updated firmware.


  1. Enable the @centos-automotive-sig/nxp-board-support repo:
$ dnf copr enable @centos-automotive-sig/nxp-board-support
  1. Install the nxp-arm-trusted firmware:
$ dnf install nxp-arm-trusted-firmware-armv8

After you install the firmware, the fip.s32 binary is available in /usr/share/nxp-arm-trusted-firmware/s32g399ardb3/fip.s32. The fip.s32 binary is used in the Installing the NXP BSP into the AutoSD image procedure.


  • An AArch64 system with internet access

Next steps Now that the fip.s32 binary is installed in your host, you can build the AutoSD image.

Building and flashing an AutoSD image on S32G

To make an image to flash onto the S32G you must complete the following steps:

  1. Build the AutoSD image
  2. Install the secondary boot loader and optionally the NXP BSP kernel into the image

You can then flash this image onto an SD card, insert the SD card into the S32G, and boot the system.

Building the AutoSD image

Follow these instructions to build the AutoSD image for your S32G board.


  • An AArch64 system with internet access


  1. Clone the sample-images repository:

    $ git clone --recursive


    Ensure that you include the --recursive option so that the clone operation includes the submodules within the repository.

  2. Change to the automotive-image-builder directory::

    $ cd automotive-image-builder
  3. Build the image using your image name as the target:

    $ sudo automotive-image-builder build --distro autosd --mode package --target s32g_vnp_rdb3 --export image ../images/developer.mpp.yml

Next steps Now that you have built the autosd-s32g_vnp_rdb3-developer-regular.img image, install the NXP kernel into it.

Installing the NXP BSP into the AutoSD image

At the time of publication, the AutoSD image is not fully supported on the S32G board without modifications. To create a bootable AutoSD image for the S32G board, you must manually install the secondary boot loader (SBL) binary into the AutoSD image. In addition, the included AutoSD kernel based on CentOS Stream 9 has only partial support and not all devices and features work. You can optionally replace it with the NXP BSP kernel.



  1. Optional: Build the NXP vendor kernel:

    $ git clone
    cd linux
    make s32cc_defconfig
    # This command is required to boot from AutoSD default boot manager
    scripts/config -e CONFIG_EFI
    make -j$(nproc)
  2. Set the helper environment variables:

    $ IMAGE=../autosd-s32g_vnp_rdb3-developer-regular.img
    $ image=$(basename $IMAGE)
    $ loopdev="$(losetup --show -fP $IMAGE)"
    $ kernelversion="$(cat include/config/kernel.release)"
  3. Create a temporary directory and mount the third and fourth partitions of the AutoSD image as block devices:

    $ mkdir tmpdir
    $ sudo mount ${loopdev}p4 ./tmpdir/
    $ sudo mount ${loopdev}p3 ./tmpdir/boot/
  4. Optional: Build the NXP kernel:

    $ sudo make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./tmpdir modules_install
    $ sudo make INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=./tmpdir/boot/dtb-${kernelversion} dtbs_install
  5. Optional: Copy the NXP kernel to the AutoSD image that you mounted in ./tmpdir:

    $ sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/Image ./tmpdir/boot/Image-${kernelversion}
    $ sudo cp ./tmpdir/boot/
  6. Modify the boot loader:

    $ rm ./tmpdir/boot/loader/*
    $ cat << EOF | sudo tee -a ./tmpdir/boot/loader/entries/ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff-${kernelversion}.aarch64.conf
    title Automotive Stream Distribution (${kernelversion}.aarch64) 9
    version ${kernelversion}.aarch64
    linux /Image-${kernelversion}
    devicetree /dtb-${kernelversion}/freescale/s32g399a-rdb3.dtb
    options root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rw loglevel=4 efi=noruntime acpi=off console=ttyLF0,115200 module.sig_enforce=1 systemd.show_status=auto
    libahci.ignore_sss=1 slub_debug=FPZ fsck.mode=skip rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0 rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1
    grub_users $grub_users
    grub_arg --unrestricted
    grub_class autosd
  7. Unmount the filesystem and detach the loop device:

    $ sudo umount ./tmpdir/boot
    $ sudo umount ./tmpdir
    $ losetup -D ${loopdev}
  8. Install the SBL binary, fip.s32, into the AutoSD image:

    $ sudo dd if=/usr/share/nxp-arm-trusted-firmware/s32g399ardb3/fip.s32 of=autosd-s32g_vnp_rdb3-developer-regular.img \
        skip=512 seek=512 iflag=skip_bytes oflag=seek_bytes \

Next steps Now that you have installed the SBL binary and optionally the NXP BSP kernel into the AutoSD image, you can flash the image onto the S32G board.

Flashing the AutoSD image onto the S32G board

After you customize the AutoSD image and install the NXP kernel and boot loader into the image, you can flash the image onto the S32G board.


  • An SD card
  • An S32G board
  • An autosd-s32g_vnp_rdb3-developer-regular.img image


  1. Flash the image onto an SD card, replacing _</dev/sdX>_ with your block device:

    $ sudo dd if=autosd-s32g_vnp_rdb3-developer-regular.img of={_</dev/sdX>_} \
            status=progress conv=fsync
  2. Plug in the SD card and start the system.


    Flashed u-boot supports EFI boot, so the system should boot without any user interaction.

  3. To see the output, log in to the serial port using default credentials:

    Automotive Stream Distribution 9
    Kernel 5.15.129-rt67 on an aarch64
    localhost login: root
    Password: password
    [root@localhost ~]#

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